About Diane Entwistle London

About the brand
Diane Entwistle is vintage inspired elevated athleisure. The concept combines 80s vintage football with Victorian antiquity. This discusses the relationship between masculinity and femininity, and aims to locate a ground where they can exist harmoniously.
The concept for Diane Entwistle originated out of desire to reintegrate femininity into sportswear. I personally enjoy dressing in football clothing because of the masculine silhouette it allows me to adopt. However, as football is inscribed with qualities associated to masculinity, this often entirely masks my feminine identity. Therefore, the brand embraces a more feminine form of sportswear.
​By reintroducing femininity into masculinity, it encourages a softer, more socially sustainable form than the toxic presumptions. For example, men have historically been denied emotive personalities. Therefore, my collection creates a space for men to embrace femininity, and a space for women to engage in masculine dress whilst retaining their femininity. My audience is those who wish to embrace an androgynous gender identity.
The Creative Process
My brand focuses on rejuvenating vintage textiles by upcycling them with luxury materials. I have sourced vintage football shirts second hand and designed around their features, adding feminine details into their structures. For example, in the shirt opposite I removed the original vinyl number 10, using reverse applique to add a sheer detail. I also sourced vintage pearl necklaces which I cut up and repurposed into a beaded border.